International Law and Human Rights Program

International Law and Human Rights Program

USD 400


The International Law and Human Rights Program is an educational program that aims to provide participants with a deep understanding of the laws and principles related to international law and human rights on the global stage.
International certificates and accreditations:

  • A certificate approved by the International Arbitration Commission for passing the program

  • A certificate approved by the Human Rights Committee of the General Syndicate of Lawyers in Egypt

  • Membership card of the Human Rights Committee of the General Syndicate of Lawyers in Egypt

  • A certificate accredited by Assiut University and certified by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry (optional)

Courses Video


  • sections: 2
  • Feature: Yes
  • Duration: 19 Hours
  • Category: The best-selling programs
  • Quizzes: No
  • Language: Arabic
  • Certificate: Yes

Course Syllabus

1- International law and human rights

2- International organization

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